1. Kinesiology
Learn Theory- and Practice-oriented Consultation in examples of how Kinesiology can eliminate Illness, Pain, Emotions or Stress. Stress can diminish performance, impair Physical Health, and even adversely affect the social environment. Simple and clear explained the Theory and Application of Kinesiology by our Diplom Kinesiologist.
Kinesiology developed by Dr. George Goodheart in 1963, who discovered the connection of Behavior to certain Muscles and Organs. He eliminated the Blockages in the corresponding Meridian System (Energy Lines in the Body according to Traditional Chinese Medicine) under the application of Neurolymphatic Acupressure, Neurovascular Acupressure, or Treatment of the corresponding Meridian. Blockages are the causes of Illness, Pain or Emotional Stress.
Activation of the Neurovascular Points increase the Blood Flow on the Micro Capillary level and Cells that are connected to Organs. Activation of the Neurolymphatic Points have the effect of eliminating Toxins from the Cells and thus eliminating Stress in the Nervous System.
2. Massage - Natural Aroma Oil Massage Therapy
Feel and enjoy your body relaxing and healing by the use of natural aroma oils, which are individually mixed for you.
In simple steps, we explain the positive Effects of Oils, e.g. Relaxation, increasing Energy Levels, Purifying, Lymphatic Drainage, Pain-Relieving, Fighting Insomnia,
the Libido is again increased. A major subject will also be the Spinal Reflex Massage derived from the traditional Thai Massage.
3. Edward Bach healing methods
In 1930, the English Physician Dr. Edward Bach (Bacteriologist and Surgeon) found the 38 Dr. Bach Flowers, which represent a closed system and work on the basis of Moods and Emotions.
Practical examples show how Dr. Bach Flower Remedy method reverses a Negative Feeling into a Positive Feeling. Negative Feelings that exist too long and increased are the cause of many Diseases, Pain and unnecessary Stress.
Do not be afraid or Insecure anymore, have Interest in the here and now, no longer feel Loneliness, no longer be vulnerable to changes in Life, no more Despair or unnecessarily worrying about others. Enjoy Life without blocking Negative Feelings.
With our Dr. Bach Practitioner, we will work out your individual Bach Flower Combination together.
4. HATHA Yoga and Yoga as Therapy
We will teach you; Yoga Novices or Experienced Yogi, Hatha Yoga, the Mother of all Yoga, and how to use Yoga in the Daily Life of Stress and Tension. Get to know your Physical flexibility with Fun. Yoga is the ideal application for Weight Loss, Insomnia, Restoring Hormone Balance, Arthritis, Anti-Aging, Back Pain, Menopause and Relaxation.
You will receive an individual program for your home. Take something very valuable with you, the Enthusiasm and which will increase your Fitness and Wellbeing.
Having a high consciousness and ready to give your Healing Power to others in need!